If you were born before 2010, you will most likely familiar with the name “Yellow Pages”. The Yellow Pages are printed service that contained the directory of businesses. Yellow Page was most-widely used service for advertisement. However, as technology develops, most of businesses got digitized as well. Digitization caused decreased demand in Yellow Page, they started to offer an online services.
These days, most of the businesses offer cyberspace called website to offer quick-access information to customers. In 2017, Local Search Association conducted a survey to find out which business more prosper: business with website or without website. The result showed that businesses with website perform better than those that don’t.
These days, even small businesses get benefits from websites in five reasons.
Because these days, 90% of businesses have websites. Therefore, there are some tendencies among the customers to look for businesses with websites. Customers generally filtered companies that do not have a website.
It is very common to see a user close out the browser when she or he encounter an outdated website that has poor structure and design. Because it is common for customers to look for the businesses with “well-structured and beautifully-designed website”, having web presence can help you compete against your business rivals.
Brand Development.
When people hear the word “branding”, first thing they think about is a logo such as Starbucks, Macy’s, or Target. Because the logo describes the business, it is much easier for consumers to think of your company and to show more trust.
A website is the most useful and effective way to show your logo. On the website, business owners can illustrate their company with logo and content.
As the number of internet users increases the number of businesses with websites also increases. Because of this, when consumers search on google, first thing that pops up is the list of relevant business websites. By getting on the higher rank in SEO (Search Engine Optimization), your company will get higher visibility on online. Search engine helps websites to get more and to maintain more traffic.
Because businesses with websites have more credibility, customers search for the businesses with websites. The majority if small businesses started to get an online presence, company without any website is hard to compete against those who have websites.
The major difference between social media and website is control-ability. While anyone can post anything on social media, owner can take a control what will be posted on the website. Therefore, owners can filter information such as a positive and negative feed backs from their clients. Also, owners can prevent their rivals posting negative feed backs to damage the rival company.
Based on the survey, 30% of small businesses do not have a website. It means that 30% of businesses does not get recognition as much as they deserve.
Because of those reasons above, we strongly recommend you to get a website if you fall under those 30% of business owners to do not have a website.