Since an online marketing is getting competitive each day, there is no point of making website and keep it as is. You should be able to recall your memory of searching on Google. Did you noticed that some of the websites related to your searched keywords showed up at top for the search result? They get to be on the top of page because they are using a system called “Search Engine Optimization (SEO)”. Because of the competitive online marketing, a SEO is now no longer an option.
If you take an advantage of SEO very well, it will not only show much powerful result more than pop-up advertisement or paid-keyword do, but also take a higher rank and traffic than your local rival merchants.
At this point, you may as a question: “What does higher ranking in a result page has to do with SEO?” There are many standards of search engines list a result in certain priorities. Search engines like Google or Yahoo have their own standards, but SEO shares all common regardless of which search engine is used. Now, let me explain to you about the standards of SEO’s result ranking.
SEO Lists
Just like when you choose a topic and content when you write, you have to think about the keywords that is crucial to your website. Think about which keywords best represent your website and which keywords do you wish your websites to be shown on the search result.
If you came up with some lists of keywords, next step is to put them in to list highest priority to lowest priority. If web designers are using HTML code to create your website, ask them to set up a meta tags. On top of that, social media is the beginning of digital marketing, it would be great to ask them to set up a social meta tags.
Input the “alt”to explain the image
While Homo Sapience is eligible to understand the image with visual sense, search engines cannot analyze the image, we need the process of typing an explanation of image into a text.
Alt value not only makes your website to be shown with image in SEO, but also reads out as sound for users with visual disability. If you want to expand your website to people with disability, alt value must be inputted.
Anchor texts must be simple but descriptive.
Anchor text means any text that has a hyper link, and it must be simple but descriptive to inform users what the linked page will be about.
Make a responsive website.
In 2019, 90% of people owns smart phone, and this number is expected to be increased in 2020. Therefore, a responsive website is required to provide easy access.
Long-complicated URL needs to be fixed.
Because your website address (URL) is shown in the result page, URL must be short as much as possible. There is a tendency for users try to avoid to click a website with long URL. Also, short and easy website address is easy for crawlers to crawl, so it is very effective with SEO. A crawler is a program that visits a web and reads pages and other information to create entries for a search engine index. The major search engines on the Web all have such a program, which is also known as a “spider” or a “bot.”