Traditional Marketing vs. Digital Marketing: Which Is Best for Your Business?
As a business owner, a key facet of creating a customer base is the marketing of your service or product; however, choosing the best option for your needs can be difficult, especially with the advent of digital marketing methods such as social media campaigns and e-mail newsletters. This is a helpful guide to the pros and cons of both traditional and digital marketing, and which method is best for your business.
Traditional Marketing: Basic Info, Pros and Cons
Traditional marketing methods include any ad you might encounter in your daily life, including:
-Print (magazines, newspapers, etc.)
-Broadcast (TV, radio, etc.)
-Direct mail (catalogues, postcards, etc.)
-Telephone (telemarketing, SMS marketing, etc.)
-Outdoor (billboards, fliers, etc.)
-Promotional items (t-shirts, mugs, etc.)
Pros of Traditional Marketing
–Easier to Understand: useful for marketing towards older customers or those without Internet access
–Easy to Keep and Pass Along: paper advertisements such as fliers, brochures and business cards can be kept by your customers for future reference
–Reach a Local Audience: spread news of your business through word of mouth in your area
–More Personal: face-to-face marketing techniques have been proven to leave a longer lasting impression in the customer’s mind
–Variety of Options: hundreds of different items available for promotional use
Cons of Traditional Marketing
–More Costly: designing, printing, and distribution can be expensive
–Little Interaction: in most cases, direct interaction with the customer is non-existent
–Harder to Track Success: gauging precisely how well your campaign is performing is extremely difficult
When Should You Use Traditional Marketing Methods?
-When advertising to older audiences, in a more rural area, or in an area where access to the Internet is low
-When trying to reach a smaller, more local audience
-If you have a larger budget to dedicate to designing, printing/filming, and distribution of your advertisements
Digital Marketing: Basic Info, Pros and Cons
Digital marketing methods are those that utilize electronic devices and/or the Internet, such as:
-Search engines (through the use of Search Engine Optimization)
-Email newsletters, promotions, etc.
-Business websites
-Social media campaigns on platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.
Pros of Digital Marketing
–Affordable: cost-effective for businesses on a budget
–Easy to Track: advertising programs allow you to see the exact amount of engagement with your advertisements
–Precise Targeting: allows you to choose the exact audience you want to market to
–More Interactive: clever use of social media platforms can help to catch and keep your audience’s attention
–Builds Your Reputation: memorable and interactive marketing can strengthen your customer’s loyalty to your brand
Cons of Digital Marketing
–Dependent On Technology: campaigns can be compromised due to technical problems
–Security and Privacy Issues: due to the nature of the Internet, there is always a possibility that the customer or the business’s information could be compromised
–Highly Competitive: with many businesses taking their advertising ventures to the digital front, digital marketing is rife with competition
When Should You Use Digital Marketing Methods?
-When trying to expand your customer base or reach a wider audience
-When marketing towards a niche audience
-When working with a smaller budget