Tips and Tricks to Create an Effective Ad
It is important that business owners understand the basics of writing a good advertisement.
All businesses need promotion. I have seen thousands and millions of dollars wasted on ineffective, poor or outright bad ads—and I want to save you that pain and stress. But most importantly, I want you to expand your business and effective advertising in all its forms is essential to ensure that expansion.
After all, you need new customers because without them, your business will fail. The good news is that the core principles of how to produce a proper advertisement apply to practically anything you may want to use as a promotional tool.
This includes, but is not limited to:
- Brochures
- Emails
- Fliers and other mailers and handouts
- Online advertisements (display, etc.)
- Postcards
- Web sites, including those used with online advertising
And many more.
It can take a bit of trial and error (testing) to build an ad or ad campaign that really works, but following these 6 tried and true tips can help you get the results that you’re hoping for.
1. What Makes You Stand Out?
People are always in contact with so many advertisements from all types of businesses all the time. You have to ask yourself, “What product or service does my company provide that can compete with my competitors?” When you figure out what you want to specialize in, you must focus your efforts and focus on creating an advertisement campaign.
One strategy that you can use is you can show potential customers why your business is the best choice and why they shouldn’t consider your competitor. By instilling that idea in their head, there’s a good chance they won’t check out your competitor.
Another strategy would be to advertise your product with one specific benefit it excels at. An example would be Head & Shoulders – “You get rid of dandruff.” You know this product is a shampoo but it advertises that it is especially useful in removing dandruff.
Figure out what your company wants to sell and find ways to advertise their strengths while trying to stand out from your competition.
2. Making an Offer They Can’t Refuse
Customers love to bargain for products and services. By offering them various incentives, you can ensure they always come back to your business.
Some ways to attract these customers would be a lower price point, a free trial run of your product or service, free shipping, or even a bundle package that offer more than they expect.
By making your product irresistible combined with a powerful advertisement, it will make customers harder to resist it.
3. Making that Offer Risk-Free for Potential Customers
It’s one thing to make your offer as tantalizing as possible, but it’s another thing to make your product risk-free for your customer. Even if you offer them the best possible deals, if there is some risk for the customer, they will most likely not even go for your offer in the first place.
The fear of losing their money or regretting their purchase down the line are more powerful than anything an advertisement can prevent. Losing their hard-earned wages can be a huge deterrent for potential customers. The key to making successful purchases is by advertising to your customers that there is a risk-free guarantee they can take advantage of.
By introducing this risk-free guarantee to customers, you can remove their doubts and provide a powerful purchasing inducement. By allowing customers to return their products, they’ll be less concerned with wasting their money and will more likely give it a try. Show that you’re willing to stand by your product so you can win over customers.
4. The Urgent “Call to Action”
Don’t just tell your potential customers about what your company can offer them — encourage them to take action. Directly tell them to click your ad, order your product, or pay for the service, etc.
In this case, the “call to action” encourages customers to try out these services and see for themselves what they’re missing in their life. By using exciting langauge and words, you can convince customers immensely.
However, you can’t take too long with each individual customer since it would defeat the purpose of expanding. You have to advertise each product or service with a sense of urgency, like a limited-time sale or a weekend deal going on.
By using a sense of urgency, you can push customers to make their purchase during that urgent period since they won’t know if the sale will come back ever. You have to let your customers know that NOW is the right time to make their move.
5. Complete Contact Information
Even if you produce the best advertisement with the best offers and a risk-free guarantee, it’ll mean nothing if they can’t contact you and your business.
Don’t ever make this mistake.
Always have a clear-cut contact information located somewhere in your ad for added clarity. You’ve told them what your business is selling and where to find them, anything else and it’ll waste money.
6. Always Deliver
When it comes to your customers, always over-deliver to make them happy. An effective ad is great but it won’t mean much if your potential customers aren’t happy with your business.
Always give your customers the best possible experience they can. If you always over-deliver, the you’d never have to worry about them leaving your business for your competitors