What are those black and white squares you see on branded print products? QR stands for Quick Read. You can normally scan the QR code to retrieve helpful information such as contact info, directions, and even Wi-fi credentials. But what makes a QR code really worth it for your business? Let’s find out why!
How can QR Codes be useful to everyone when only people with smartphones can scan them? People who buy smartphones tend to be a younger audience and more adept with technology than people with feature phones. Since younger people are the target audience for your business, using a QR code will be more beneficial to you.
You can contribute into building your QR code in order to see how effective it is for your business. The QR code automatically enters the URL and you can set up your analytic tracking to see just how many people responded to your ad with the QR code embedded. It’s one of the most direct ways to track the traffic of your marketing flow.
Marketing is a means of interacting closely and indirectly with your customers, sharing messages and exposing yourself to them. The more steps you can remove for your customers, the more likely they are to act. A QR code basically makes online exposure easier and simpler for you. The QR code enables a shorter process for people online to find your business pages, rather than having to look it up and find it themselves in various google searches.
Anything that moves from a physical world to an online world is a candidate for QR code use. If you have an invitation to a party, include a QR code that links to the Google Maps direction. If you have a business card, the QR code can automatically import your information into someone’s contacts. Drop a QR code on a flyer with a special coupon for people who show the resulting page on their phones. Put a QR code in the back of your book so people can buy the sequel as soon as they’re done reading.
The use of smartphones is ever growing and flourishing, so does the use of QR codes. Do yourself a favor and take the few minutes to make one for your business.