In fact, we will use coding as the first step in building a website. Perhaps a website is the simplest thing you can do with code, but it is very powerful. It’s exciting to be able to create something in minutes that anyone in the world can access.
First, let’s look at how the world of coding changes from ‘local’ computers (ie, computers or laptops on their desks) to software on ‘remote’ computers connected to their PCs or smartphones over the Internet.
Why should you get a website?
If you wanted to start a business hundreds of years ago, you probably needed a lot of capital. At a minimum, you need a sales site to sell the goods, staff to build the product, and procure raw materials.
Everything has changed in the last twenty years. The world’s most valuable business is entirely online. It was created by individuals with almost a pennies of early capital . Once you learn the code, you can execute any idea for any amount of time and a few cups of coffee . No need to ask anyone for permission !
Even if you don’t intend to start a business, there are many reasons why you want to create your own website . Blogs are a great way to share your name online . You can share your love for dogs, gardening knowledge, or even learn to code now . Hopefully you can create a community of people who share the same hobbies . No one knows what opportunities will arise there . If you have online tasks that you need to do regularly, you can also automate them through the website . If other people are doing the same, you can share your tools . For example, the web scraping code you learned in the Python section can be used to see when prices change on Amazon .
The user of a web page can then check the price of a particular product and order it when it goes below a certain threshold .
In this step, keep in mind the specific site you want to create . It doesn’t have to be a great idea to change the world .
How does a website work?
The BBC microcomputer in the early 90 ‘s with my growth was an independent computer with no network connection . You could add programs ( software ) via tape or disk, but all the code ran entirely on the machine itself .
As the Internet developed, and the speed is faster, now the code for the program ‘ server ‘ made it possible to save on powerful computers called . The server sends the stored code to the user’s computer and runs it through a special piece of software called a browser . At first, most of these websites displayed information encoded using HTML and CSS and had no dynamic functionality .
Increasingly, websites have become interactive and have evolved to allow users to update posts, send emails, or even watch videos, rather than just showing static content . Initially, these types of sites , webapps ‘ known as . Although the word is used less now, it has become synonymous with the website itself . Most web apps are actually running on the server . The browser only results ( for example, your email or photo of your cat ) only show .
This approach has the greatest speed of development . In order to update the software on my BBC microcomputer, I had to get a physical disk and put it in the machine . Now, on the contrary, if Google updates the Gmail interface or edits his blog, the changes are quickly made on servers and websites, instantly updating the computers of everyone in the world .
Even traditional desktop software such as word processors and image editors connect to the web . Chromebooks (Chromebooks) , some of the computer can be seen as Internet-connected browser .
How can we use this phenomenon ? We know how to write HTML code . Now you need to know how to share your code with the world . Very simple . All you need is a domain name and web hosting . How can I get a domain name?
In short, a domain name is a web address . All countries have their own central ‘ domain agents ‘ have . Domain names can be purchased from many different providers .
When you buy a domain name is actually 1 in the year 10 it will borrow at a cost of around £ . Once purchased, you have the right to renew your contract annually . However, if you do not renew the contract, the address will eventually disappear and anyone can buy it .
” Domain Buy ” If you search the phrase comes to some results . Look at this and choose the supplier that is right for you . Ideally , you should review the review and not rely solely on price . Cheap domain names can come with a variety of fees . Good names are often sold, so choosing a domain name can be difficult . Domain names are usually related to personal preferences, but consider the following :
- If possible, .com with a specific country or domain ( for example .co.kr) Make your choice . Even if you don’t select the first name well, it can be a more memorable address . And you can get more trust than obscure extensions like .boats or .black .
- Make it easy to type.
Avoid names that look like typos like Xpress ( unless your brand name is of course !).
- Use keywords . Putting a search keyword in your domain name is a great start if you want it to be top-level on your search engine . For example, if you start a blog about a dog cocker spaniel, the name cockerspanielsblog.com is by no means a bad choice ( and there is no current owner at the time of writing ). If you have a hard time finding an idea, the site below may help .
- www.domainsbot.com/- This site tells the search through the list of available domain site .
- www.namemesh.com/- shows the available domain name by combining two or three words .
- www.panabee.com/ – based on your keywords, we propose a domain name and company name .
Once you decide to purchase it from the domain name selected provider ( Without confidence one it is good to start with year ).
What is web hosting and how do I get it?
When the user visits the website, the files are downloaded from the server and output to the user’s browser . If you have a site with interactive features ( such as a login or search box ) , the server executes code to provide the data you need . You can also use other features associated with your domain name, such as your personal email address . Web hosting is the computing power to perform these functions and the server space for them .
There are a few tricks to consider when choosing a web hosting company . Cost , ease of use , and weigh the control possibility for the arrangement and content of the site .